Find Rehab Centers

Find Rehab Centers That Work!

The type of treatment that one gets depends on the rehab center that they choose. Treatment comes in a variety of methods. The outcome for stable sobriety from drugs and alcohol depends on the type of rehab center that a person is enrolled in.

Here is a list of possible types of rehab centers or treatment that are being offered: Intervention, Detox, Short Term Residential Programs (usually less than 30 days), Long Term Residential Programs (usually more than 30 days and can be 90 days or longer), Dual-Diagnosis Treatment, Holistic Treatment, Men’s Treatment, and Women’s Treatment.

Here is something to think about when searching for rehab centers. You are going to get the basic level of care from outpatient and short term residential programs in just a few days or a few weeks. Most people will try these as an initial solution to handling their addiction. Unfortunately, the success rate of short term treatment is somewhere around 3-12% and that is why so many people end up relapsing and needing a higher level of care or treatment and the next level of care is what is considered to be a long term residential rehab center. This type of program, in most cases, is at least 30 day and can last up to 90 days and sometimes even one year. These types of treatment also deliver different methods of rehabilitation for a person.

A lot of rehab centers that deliver long term, residential treatment will use dual diagnosis approaches to rehabilitation, which means that they substitute one drug to get a person off of another drug. What this creates is an additional dependence to prescription drugs and will increase the possibility of relapse with continued drug use and abuse. Also, be very watchful as there are many holistic rehab centers that advertise holistic treatment but will use drugs for clients and they can be long term residential rehab centers.

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What should you look for in rehab centers!

Long term residential rehab centers that leave a person completely drug free and treat clients for an average of 90 days have been proven to be the most successful method of treatment that a person can get. It is also beneficial to utilize a physical component to handle a person’s addiction. Research what services are provided, the success rate for sobriety and the certifications and testimonials when you are looking for rehab centers.

Contact us today to find treatment solutions!

You can call us today to speak to a professional about your addiction related problems. Call us today at 888-629-0333.